Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway movie of Rani Mukherjee is a dubbed movie of 'Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway' of Bidita Bag Mrs Chatterjee vs. Norway is a 2021 Indian drama film directed by Norwegian filmmaker, Øystein Stene, and Indian filmmaker, Sourav Sarangi. The film stars actor Bidita Bag in the titular role of Sagarika Chatterjee, a single mother fighting to get back her son who has been taken away by the Norwegian Child Welfare Services. The film is based on a real-life incident that took place in 2011 when an Indian couple, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, lost the custody of their children, Abhigyan and Aishwarya, to the Norwegian Child Welfare Services. The incident had created a huge controversy, and many in India saw it as an example of cultural imperialism and a violation of human rights. The film tells the story of Sagarika Chatterjee, who travels to Norway to fight for the custody of her son, Ronit. Ronit is taken away by the Norwegian authorities after his fat...
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